Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

WA 082139125256, Wastewater Treatment (WWT)Training Operator IPAL

WWTP is a set of technical equipment along with equipment that processes / processes the residual liquid of factory production, so that the liquid is suitable to be disposed of into the environment. The connection with environmental management which includes prevention, mitigation of damage, pollution and restoration of environmental quality, requires the development of various sets of policy and program activities that are supported by environmental management support systems.
Wastewater treatment training Design & Expansion

The environmental management support system must be supported by Human Resources (HR) who are competent as waste treatment operators. Where the operator will play an important role in the operation of the WWTP system in the industry and prevent the possibility of procedural errors in operating WWTPs. Therefore, it is now mandatory for IPAL operators to understand the overall balance of competence from knowledge, skills, wisdom, experience, and practices that need to be known and controlled by an IPAL Operator.


Providing knowledge and knowledge related to the legal, technical and operational requirements of WWTP installations as a level and participating in environmental sustainability programs
It is expected that after completing this training there will be printed competent HR in wastewater treatment
Participants will get solutions to various kinds of problems that often occur in WWTPs and solutions
Getting updated information related to environmental issues, the latest WWTP technology, and other alternative technologies that are very useful in improving the IPAL system in the company


  • Applicable Regulations / Law concerning Waste Management
  • Basic Principles of Waste Management
  • Characteristics of Industrial Waste
  • Characteristics, Quality, and Standards of wastewater
  • Industrial Waste Technology Management
  • The purpose and method of wastewater treatment
  • The Principle of Aerobic / Anaerobic Waste Management
  • Waste Processing Parameters and Affecting Factors
  • Analysis of the stages of the waste treatment process
  • Lab Management Especially for Analysis of WWTP (COD and BOD)
  • Liquid Waste Treatment System in physics, chemistry and biology
  • Removal of residues suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphate
  • Management aspects in the wastewater management community
  • Planning and Control of WWTP


 Ir. Dwi Handaya, MK3
Founder of WWT Indonesian Forum,
Head of 2016 Indonesian Water Association
Industry practitioners experienced more than 25 years, both in the petrochemical industry, manufacturing, oil & gas, plantation, consultation etc. Have educational background in Chemical Engineering, University of Tirtayasa and Masters K3, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Handle consultancy and training in a variety of large companies such as BP, Cargill, Sinarmas Group, Mayora, Indofood and others. Since 2008 is also listed as the instructor team EPCM Environmental Pollution Control Manager, as one of the environmental certification program manager, BPLHD West Java and LH national ministries. In the year 2012 until now has made various Assestmet of waste in countries in Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Who Should Attend?
Whoever is responsible for minimizing long-term costs associated with water use, water treatment, drainage, sewage, waste water treatment and who is responsible for compliance with environmental regulations, including:
·        Supervisors / Managers, Engineers plant
·        Design Engineers,
·        environmental engineer
·        Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
·        personnel regulations
·        Contractors, Researcher
·        Manufacture engaged Equipment Water, wastewater
·         The company advocates, Student, Others

Training duration :
2 days effective 14 hours (09:00 to 16:00)

Who Should Attend?
Whoever is responsible for minimizing long-term costs associated with water use, water treatment, drainage, sewage, waste water treatment and who is responsible for compliance with environmental regulations, including:
·        Supervisors / Managers, Engineers plant
·        Design Engineers,
·        environmental engineer
·        Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
·        personnel regulations
·        Contractors, Researcher
·        Manufacture engaged Equipment Water, wastewater
·         The company advocates, Student, Others

Information :
Information on Training Schedule, Request Inhouse Training | Public Training, Contact : Customer Service 1 :  Phone (WA) : (+62) | Phone (WA) : (+62)87.850.925.256 Phone(Office) : (+6231) 3977660            

Sinar Global Consultant
Jl. Tenaru Driyorejo , Gresik, Jatim, Indonesia 61177 Office : Tel (+6231) 397-7660, Phone WA : +62821-3912-5256
Phone WA : +62878-5092-5256 Email : - Web :

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Segera Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai training dan Konsultasi Sinar Global Consultant.


Jl. Tenaru Driyorejo , Gresik, Jatim, Indonesia 61177

Work Time:

Senin - Jum'at Dari Jam 9.00 - 17.00 WIB


Phone:(+6231)3977660 |Whatsapp:(+6282)139125256

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Jasa Assesment WWTP Waterpedia merupakan pilihan tepat, bagi perusahaan anda karena berpengalaman lebih 23 tahun bidang WWTP, dengan tujuan mengevaluasi system proses eksisting untuk mencapai target pemenuhan baku mutu dan effisiensi operasional cost proses WWTP.


Public Training adalah pelatihan karyawan yang pelaksanaannya telah diagendakan oleh penyelenggara Waterpedia Training Consulting sehingga memungkinkan setiap instansi mengirimkan karyawannya sebagai perwakilan untuk menjadi peserta pelatihandengan jumlah sedikit dan akan digabung dengan peserta dari instansi lain apabila jumlah peserta masih belum memenuhi kuota. Public Training baru akan dijalankan apabila kuota minimal peserta terpenuhi.


perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Training dan Konsultan, Kontraktor dan Supplier khusus dalam sistem pengolahan air atau dikenal dengan Water and Wastewater Treatment Consultant and Contractor. Training yang kami berikan meliputi IPAL (Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah), Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), STP (Sewage Treatment Plant), PWT, Reverse Osmosis (RO)